This monumental show is finally open at the Yale Center for British Art in New Haven, CT, USA and runs until Feb 26th, 2023
Martina Droth, curator of the show writes, “The exhibition begins with early works and traces both artists’ intersecting paths and creative exchange across the postwar years. For both artists, Britain’s landscape and its majestic megaliths such as Stonehenge and Avebury demonstrated the arresting power of sculptural forms. At a time of national recovery, Brandt and Moore looked to forms in nature as a means of expressing subjective experience and evoking the human body.”
The Boston Globe reviews the show, “Volume interested Brandt more than space; and, like Moore, he preferred curve to angle. He would photograph the human figure from perspectives and in settings that would make it appear more geological than anatomical. In his own, two-dimensional way, Brandt was abstracting the human figure no less than Moore was.”
“Both men were drawn to the British megalithic sites of Avebury and Stonehenge. Moore first visited Stonehenge in 1921. He estimated that over the years he went back another “twenty or thirty times.” As for Brandt, what may be the most spectacular work in the show is his 1947 view of Stonehenge in winter. It verges on the hallucinatory.”
Boston Globe review 01 Dec 2022